Our baby, only about 11 weeks pregnant and her little tummy is starting to show the secret that lay inside it. As I sit here typing this, I am filled with so much excitement. This morning I went along for a doctors appointment with Shamara and Ken, we had an ultrasound done. I didn't cry but I sure could have as I watched my baby lying there watching her baby move around inside her womb and to feel Ken's excitement, WOW! Memories came rushing back of the joy and uncertainty I felt when first learning that I was going to be a mommy. It was a beautiful time and I can't express enough how deeply touched I am to have been welcomed to share such a special time with them.
This is day # 78 and you're 11 weeks pregnant! You have 202 days or 29 weeks left before you get to hold this precious child growing inside of you. Your are 27.0% of the way there. Our little Kenny (Yes, you heard me correctly!) although only 64 days/9 weeks old is already proudly showing his stuff, so much so that the doctors are pretty certain (not 100%) that you are having a boy, destined to make his debut around August 15, 2011. He weighs about 7 grams and is 4.2 cm (just short of 2 inches) from head to toe. The ultrasound today showed all of his measurements to be prefect - and to God we say THANK YOU. He has eyes, toes, fingers, ears, lips... and his heart was beating at 170 beats per minute.
These moments make you look back on your own life... how I met Mark, our dating experience, our own engagement and marriage and then the birth of our own six beautiful and wonderful children. Where has all the time gone, how could we now be expecting our third grandchild...