Today was your monthly checkup with Dr. Yosowitz aka Dr. Yo or Dr. Y (Which is much easier for Ken to remember and not have to try and pronounce, as if anything could be harder to pronouce than Iwebema. You know I love you Ken!). These three pictures are all shots of us getting to listen to the babies heart beat.
Did I mention already that Dr. Yosowitz is my doctor and that he delivered all my babies and that one by one he has taken care of my girls, becoming their own personal doctor once they turned 18? He and his wonderful office staff love on us soooo much whenever we come in or need anything. We always feel right at home.
Welcome to the blissful second trimester, widely recognized as pregnancy's most comfortable and enjoyable. (Yes, it's a relative distinction.) Don't panic if you start noticing some lovely vaginal discharge (Just trying to keep it real here people.) It's called leucorrhea and is totally normal. It's essential in protecting your birth canal from infection.
FEBRUARY 15, 2011
Baby's now the size of a peach ~ about 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces in weight. He is forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.
Dr. Yosowitz handed the little monitor to Ken, and he was staring at it so hard... I didn't realize at first why but it was because he was watching the babies heart beat - the tiny little monitor was showing how fast the heart beat was. Ken was FASCINATED! If you look really close you can see Ken's smile ~ this is one of those very precious moments that tugs on your heart strings.
In theory, your uterus' ability to expand (14 times in size, 20 in weight) is awe-inspiring; in practice, it kind of hurts. When the aches and sharp pains hit your belly, think about this happy news: By now, your risk of miscarriage has gone way, way down.