You have 108 days or 15 weeks left, and are 61.4% of the way there.
Baby's age since conception is 158 days or 22 weeks.
We had another ultra sound done a couple of days ago - I am going to post our experience only because one day it will be something for you to look back upon. Anyways the reason for this ultrasound was to check the baby's size in order for the doctors to better determine your due date. On the previous ultrasounds they were getting conflicting numbers and had moved your due date a few times already, because they were determining the date based on the size of the baby.
We sat through the appointment with the two technicians for over an hour, watching the beautiful pictures of the baby and listening to the techs tell us how perfect everything was looking. They confirmed that the baby is definitely A GIRL! and that she was below average in her size - nothing wrong with that - some babies are just genetically small and it appears that she is going to be so.
After the technician is finished with all the measurements, she goes to get Dr. N so he can come in and go over everything with us. He enters the room and begins looking at the measurements and tells us that everything looks great his only concern was the baby's size which was below average for your 24 weeks. Once again, completely normal but they want to keep a close watch to make certain that even if she stays below average in size that she continues to have an upward growth...
and this is where the visit went a little bit off track... you and Ken didn't quite mesh with this particular doctor on the last visit and although I didn't get a completely good feeling either, I convinced you guys to at least give him one more chance. I didn't feel that you needed to keep switching doctors and such, so you agreed and that is what brought us back here today. We lucked out and got the same doctor again but our minds are open and we are listening intently to his analysis of your progress but then he began to veer of the road...
He goes from telling us that the baby is completely normal as I stated above, to explaining in detail about the possiblilty of having to deliver the baby before 30 weeks and what all that entailed, to literally talking about the baby dying. I kept waiting for him to stop but he just kept talking and the situation kept getting darker and darker until I stood up and had to call a halt to the appointment. I literally stood up and said, "This is over! Shamara, Ken let's go." and then turning to Dr. N, I said to him, "I'm not sure what you believe or who you believe in but we have faith in our God and know that this is a prefectly healthy baby. I don't understand how you can go from telling two first time parents that they have a healthy baby and then start talking about death." I was seriously baffled and he probably thought I was a little bit crazy but there was NO WAY in heaven that I was going to let him continue to be so pessimistic/negative about this baby...
While walking out I put a call in to Shamara's OB/GYN, Dr. Y, and told him what had just happened during the ultrasound appointment. They could tell that I was pretty upset and told us to come to the office right away. Since Dr. Y's office is right across the street from the ultrasound clinic we were there in minutes, and by the time we walked into the office Dr. N (the ultrasonic doc) had already called Dr. Y telling his side of what had just occured. They ushered us into a room and Dr. Y came in and graciously listened to us. I said to him, "I"m not sure about Dr. N, but he has got to be one of the most pessimistic people I've ever met." Dr. Y told me that I had pegged him exactly right but that he felt that possibly due to Dr. N. having to deal with so many bad stories everyday that it came more natural to him to talk about the darker side of things even if he only saw a slight chance of something going wrong. He ask that we let him continue to do the ultrasounds because he is supposely one of the best/top ultrasonic doctors around. He also instructed us to let him do the ultrasound but to not ask him questions to come back to him (Dr. Y) with any questions so that he could explain things in a brighter light...
Taking his professional opinion we agreed to do just that, so we'll be back in for another ultra sound in 4 weeks.